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How are tagua nuts a champion for wildlife and reducing plastics? Gotta love that!

Fortunately, the demand for ethical and eco-friendly alternatives to ivory has grown significantly. Among these alternatives, tagua nuts have emerged as a remarkable substitute. These small, carveable nuts not only offer a sustainable replacement for ivory but also play a crucial role in protecting rainforests, wildlife, and supporting sustainable livelihoods. Read on for the history of tagua nuts and their ecological importance.. History: Tagua nuts are native to the tropical rainforests of South America, growing on the tagua palm tree (Phytelephas genus). Traditionally, tagua nuts were used as a source of food for people and wildlife alike. The nuts entered the global market in the late 1800s when Johann Hille, an Austrian woodworker proved their carve-ability. The demand for tagua...

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Photo Contest Winner: How do you connect with nature in the Spring?

EcoPetites Photo Contest Winner announced! Springtime: Nurturing our Bond with Nature First of all, thank you to those who participated! I hope you had fun. And the winner is... Melanie P. Congratulations! Bumble Bee and Comfrey by Melanie P. Here is her story about the photo: "This photo was taken on Memorial Day weekend, 2023, at home in my comfrey patch. Every winter, I look forward to seeing the green stems of the comfrey emerge from the ground in the spring. Soon enough, with such a fast growing plant, the flowers will bud and bloom, enticing the natural world to take notice. Some folks consider comfrey to be an invasive species, but everyone at my house has a use for...

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Three top styling tips for petites: look smart and chic

Now that you know the importance of proper fit when dressing for short stature (see that article here), it's time to explore some specific styling tips that work well for shorter women. From prints to proportions, these tips will help you create a flattering and stylish look that boosts your confidence. Here are some key ideas to keep in mind. Tip 1: Small Prints and Narrow Stripes Look for prints that are smaller in scale, as they will not overwhelm you. Large prints can make you appear smaller than you are, while smaller prints help to create a more unified look.  Bend that rule a bit on a statement piece, especially if the garment has a lot of real estate,...

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