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Sustainability Blog and EcoPetites News — Category_A little bit about life RSS

Christmas in place

I’m sure the holidays are strangely different for you, too this year. As we shelter in place and alter our plans, many of our traditions are temporarily on hold. My family ordinarily travels to Long Island, NY where I grew up and my parents still live. We are not going this year, needless to say, due to the pandemic. This is a big deal for us as Christmas is not just a one-day thing for us. Our traditions span the entire week as my sisters and their families all come to Long Island, too. I have to be creative. It is all on me to make it special for my kids, a challenge under the circumstances. Being that we are...

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Post election

First of all, I want to take a moment to celebrate. Our democracy is still working, and this era of unbridled hate mongering from the White house will soon come to an end. Congratulations to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris! What a wave of emotion when the election was finally called in Biden’s favor. Perhaps you felt it too. There was that moment when we all weren’t really sure if the president would actually cause the vote counting to stop—a signal of the end of democracy. That moment didn’t last, but we’ve spent the last four years thinking he could not possibly get away with a thing, and then incredulously watching it happen. And so, joy is tempered with caution...

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ReLaunch! Starts Friday, Oct 23

Counting down the days to the ReLaunch! 2020 Come celebrate by joining my newly created facebook group, Friends of Ethical Fashion. Just click the link to join. The ReLaunch celebrations will take place from October 23rd to November 1st. I’ll be going live every day within that group. There will be challenges, Q&As, sustainable lifestyle tips, short informal interviews and more! Can’t wait to interact with you.

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Nearly there: the Relaunch!

Announcing the EcoPetites Relaunch! 2020. Back in August I first mentioned that I am planning to this relaunch for October, which is now upon us! First, I’ll start with the why: For the last couple of years, I put EcoPetites on the back burner. Sure, I kept it going, but it was not my front and center, and consequently, I didn’t post much. And business just limped along. Life brought other events and frankly, I was discouraged. But this summer, in the midst of this pandemic, I stopped and questioned myself. I gave myself permission to really lean in and follow this passion. I took a hard look at why business didn’t take off, look at my fears of both...

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The Vegan-ish journey behind EcoPetites

When we tell a story, we have to leave things out. That which didn’t make the cut can become it’s own story and that’s what I’ve got here. I’ve been posting recently about the “why” and “how” of EcoPetites and this is part of that theme. I’ve been telling the part of my journey to form EcoPetites in which a lecture by Rigoberta Menchú Tum led to (with lots of steps and decisions along the way) starting EcoPetites. You can refer to that blog post here. But the truth is more complex. I was primed for that moment with another catalyst. That story started one night when I was babysitting a dear friend’s son. Her little boy was asleep, house...

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