In preparation for motherhood, I thought I could protect my children, and that it was in fact my most important job. When my children’s dad and I were deciding where to adopt from, I thought I was a good candidate for mothering a child from Latin America, as a half-Dominican. He loved the idea of adopting from South Korea, where his sister was adopted from. I thought I would be able to relate to the feeling of being from two places, or as my dad would say, neither fish nor fowl, that many people who were raised by parents of another race, culture or country feel, being as I am of mixed ethnicities. I thought my work on myself regarding...
First of all, I would like to thank those of you who connected with me during Art-a-Whirl® this year. I admit that I was a little sad about not seeing you in person. But a funny thing happened. I did a test run of my Facebook live post by doing a silly version on my personal page, thinking no one would watch an unadvertised silly thing like that. But as soon as it started, friends were watching! And it prompted two sets of friends, from different parts of my life, to reach out to me to catch up. Sometimes I’m not a fan of social media, but that was a reminder of how it does help us stay connected. As...
Starting this Friday evening at 5 pm Central, you can virtually visit Northeast Minneapolis Arts Association’s Art-a-Whirl® online. I am gearing up for it by adding items to my online shop that have previously only been for sale at events, and diligently working on developing a new hemp blouse for pre-order. And because I won’t be tied to my own booth, I might even be able to do some of my own virtual exploration. But I wanted to spend some time acknowledging what we are all experiencing during this pandemic as well as the role of creativity and the arts. In my own circles I have been noticing that many people are hitting a slump of some kind: this feels...