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Now in Chinook Book!

Familiar with the Chinook Book? It is a coupon book specializing in local and sustainable products. EcoPetites is now in there! The Chinook book has an online version and a print version. EcoPetites can be found in the online/mobile version in Minneapolis/St. Paul and Portland/Oregon areas. Subscribe here.

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EcoPetites now posting on Pinterest!

I have started actively pinning on Pinterest! You can find me on Pinterest.com/EcoPetites. There are a few boards to start, which I hope to add to, and I am learning as I go. It is starting to be a collection of other eco-friendly items that I don't sell, such as jewelry, tights, leggings, sweaters and shoes. Some items are just items I like and believe are petite-friendly fashion accessories. In the future I hope to post color boards and interest-based boards. I would love to hear feedback if there is anything you'd like to see there! Follow me on Pinterest and re-pin at your heart's desire.

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Book Review: Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis by Barbara Leaming

Before going on a trip to NY to visit family for the holidays, I made a stop at the library to pick up something to read on the plane or during down time. With nothing in mind, I meandered over to the biography section, as I haven’t read that genre in a long time. I have to admit that this caught my eye because I had just seen a preview for the movie, Jackie, and thought I would get more out of it if I read about her first. And so now I have read her biography and just saw the movie this weekend, and I’m glad I read this. I can’t say I knew much about her life or...

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